What is micro-learning?

Micro: Very small, involving small quantities or variations.

Learning: Activity or process of gaining knowledge or skills, by studying, practicing, being taught, or experiencing something.

The science behind micro-learning: Article / eLearning Industry 2021

What is the difference between macro and micro-learning?


Macro - large, long, over time, hours/weeks in scale

Micro - Small, short, minute in scale


Macro - learner wants a new skill or deeper concept understanding

Micro - learner wants to solve a specific problem


Macro - understand specific acumen, people, systems, strategies, industries, and evironment

Micro - inject new information, at all career stages, to solve various problems faced daily


Macro - large modules, elements of formal learning, complex issues, learning over extended time period

Micro - small nuggets of information, elements of informal learning, simple issues, learning just-in-time


Macro - hours per day, multiple weeks up to months

Micro - maximum of 15 minutes per activity, multiple days to weeks


Macro - develop a new skill and level of understanding

Micro - explore concepts and solve practical problems

What are the benefits of micro-learning?

For the learner:

  1. Content size - it is small and there for fits better into busy schedules.

  2. Personalized - shorter content elevates personalization and relevance to each individual and their role and focus.

For career offices and coaches/content creators:

  1. Content size - it is easier to create and edit due to the small size of each learning element, a checklist item.

  2. Feedback - you work in an agile mode and can respond to feedback and new information quickly.

For measurement:

  1. Engagement - review user logins, time spent on content review, and activity completion

  2. Efficacy - quantify changes to career confidence and knowledge, and measure job search outcomes