Welcome to Archer Micro-Learning,
higher education’s roadmap to confidently advance careers.

Do college and graduate students benefit from career confidence?

  • When confident in abilities and qualifications students approach job applications, interviews, and networking opportunities with a positive mindset.

  • Confident students present themselves effectively, articulate their skills and experiences, and make a favorable impression on potential employers.

  • This increased confidence can lead to more job offers and better career prospects.

What is Archer Micro-Learning?

With our career programs from Archer Library or yours, students follow a roadmap for career preparation. The mobile-first interface is easy to use, includes engaging content, and is validated to ensure alignment for the modern employer environment.

Career Advisors/Offices review, update, or create content or collaborate with the Archer team to do so. It is time efficient because of the tiny bites applied to our micro-learning approach.

There is automation to help career advisors nudge students, real time analytics to ensure engagement and progress, and connection to student outcomes.

How does Archer Micro-Learning work?

  • Students access a career program, from the Archer Library or a program customized for your students

  • Students complete 5-10 short activities each week, typically, 5-15 minutes each in length

  • Activities include skill-building exercises, watching a video, completing a survey, reading how-to information, and creating something

  • The application tracks progress and completion of the course

  • Students apply what they learned and gain skills and confidence

  • Schools receive engagement and survey data.

Learn more about Archer

Overview - Archer Checklist

To launch with Archer,
there are 4 easy steps:

Example career courses include:

Can Archer Checklist integrate at our school? Absolutely. We have a few different situations to add Archer Checklist to your Career Office or Academic Program.

  • Quickly build a program, use Archer Library to reduce content creation time. Go from a single yearly session to multiple sessions. Receive focused reporting, students get automated reminders and celebration notes for accomplishments.


  • Use the summer or pre-matriculation to boost student readiness, with limited impact to the career team. Deliver added support and add students each year with limited effort or cost.


  • Roles like consultant have a rigorous yet standard recruiting preparation process. Students benefit from added structure and accountability, and feel less overwhelmed with a digital guide. Advance career office, student club, and firm programs, with analytics on engagement and outcomes.